Thursday, July 20, 2006

Happy Anniversary, love from the toon, Vegas and the South of France xxx

Hiya you two,

Hope your both well living as beach bums in Thailand, lucky ducks.....

I am here with Mother on the gin and We've enjoyed a lovely meal and a few drinks to celebrate your anniversary.........

Here's some pics from Vegas, one when we were doing quite well in the World Cup! In a sports bar watching the match......... and one prior to the Portugal game when I was in the South of France, where we didn't do so well..

take care and love to you both,



1 comment:

Zoe said...

Yes trying to keep off the drink but lead astray by Mother. How strange is that???

We're off to Hexham tomorrow for the car boot, got all your stuff ready to sell as well as my crap.

Don't have to get there until 10am and no asylum seekers like Swalwell trying to get stuff cheap. Better clientelle who will pay a good price for the crap.

Me and Mother are off to Berwick next weekend to see my Mam and Chas with Lewis, so that should be good. Chas is going to do us a paella, cooking outdoors so hope the weather is good for us.

Then the following weekend I'm going to Cork for the night with some mates, only £20 with Jet2 from Newcastle - not a bad price. Let's see what the Cork lads will be like for us!

have fun, take care, lots of luv

